发行公告 15.2

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openSUSE Leap 15.2 发行公告

openSUSE Leap 15.2 带来令人激动的人工智能(AI)、机器学习和容器软件包

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德国纽伦堡 - openSUSE 发行团队很自豪地宣布社区开发的 openSUSE Leap 15.2 已经到来。从台式机和数据中心服务器,到容器主机和虚拟机(VM)的专业用户,都将可以使用 Leap 15.2 作为高质量、易用、企业级的 Linux 操作系统。

这一发行版本为依赖于稳定、可扩展发行版的 openSUSE 用户提供了安全更新、错误修复、网络增强和许多新的特性。openSUSE 丰富成熟的 Linux 平台提供了 x86-64、ARM64 和 POWER 架构的工作负载。Leap 15 先前版本中的核心软件包和 Leap 15.2 中较新的开源技术的可靠性可以满足多种用例和工作负载。

“Leap 15.2 代表了人工智能领域的巨大进步”,Marco Varlese 说道,一个开发人员和项目成员。“我很高兴 openSUSE 最终用户现在终于可以通过我们的软件仓库使用机器学习/深度学习框架和应用程序,享受到一个稳定的、最新的生态系统。”


Leap 15.2 中加入了几个令人兴奋的人工智能(AI,Artificial Intelligence)和机器学习软件包。

Tensorflow:一个可以被数据科学家使用的深度学习框架,提供数值计算和数据流图。其灵活的架构使用户可以在桌面、服务器或移动设备中部署计算到一个或多个 CPU 上,而无需重写代码。


ONNX:一种用于表示机器学习模型的开放格式,提供了 AI 工具空间中的互操作性。它使人工智能开发人员能够在各种框架、工具、运行时和编译器中使用模型。

Grafana 和 Prometheus 是两个新维护的软件包,为分析专家开辟了新的可能性。Grafana 为最终用户提供了创建交互式可视化分析的能力。功能丰富的数据建模包:Graphite、Elastic 和 Prometheus 为 openSUSE 用户提供了更大的自由度,让他们可以更智能地构造、计算和解密数据。

总的来说,这个发行版中的软件包增长了数百个。数据融合、机器学习和 AI 并不是 openSUSE Leap 15.2 中的全部新内容。


openSUSE 用户将有更多的力量来开发、运输和部署容器化的应用,使用发行版中维护的较新的容器技术。

Kubernetes 首次在发布版本中成为了官方软件包。这给容器协调能力带来了巨大的提升,使用户能够自动化部署、扩展和管理容器化应用。

此外,还增加了 Kubernetes 的包管理器 Helm。Helm 通过定义、安装和升级最复杂的 Kubernetes 应用,帮助开发者和系统管理员管理复杂性。

容器运行时接口(CRI,Container Runtime Interface)使用开放容器计划(OCI,Open Container Initiative)兼容的运行时(CRI-O)也是本次发布的新功能。CRI-O 是使用 Docker 作为运行时的一种轻量级替代方案,它允许 Kubernetes 使用任何符合 OCI 标准的运行时作为容器运行时在集群上运行 Pods 或进程。

即使是使用 Docker,由于此版本中提供了更多的容器软件包,所以微服务的使用也会很安全。

Cilium 有助于在使用 Linux 容器框架(如 Docker 和 Kubernetes)部署的应用容器和服务之间透明地保护网络连接性和负载均衡。Cilium 提供了一种有效的方法来定义和执行网络层和应用层的安全策略,这些策略都是基于容器/Pod 身份的。

Leap 15.2 提供了服务器系统角色和事务型服务器(Transactional Server)系统角色。服务器系统角色使用的是一组小规模的软件包,适用于具有文本模式界面的服务器,而事务型服务器系统角色与服务器系统角色类似,但使用了只读的根文件系统,可以在不干扰运行系统的情况下提供原子化的、自动更新的系统。


openSUSE 安装程序一如既往的强大和多功能,允许轻松地调整系统的每一个方面,包括对基于 CPU 的攻击(如 Spectre 或 Meltdown)的缓解。安装过程呈现出了一些改进,如选择系统角色的更用户友好对话框,改进了安装进度信息,更好地兼容阿拉伯语等从右至左的语言,以及许多其他小的改进。

在 Leap 15.2 中,它为 Raspberry Pi 提供了一个更准确的检测 MS Windows BitLocker 加密的分区和更好地管理存储设备的功能。安装程序还可以轻松地调整基于 CPU 的攻击(如 Spectre 或 Meltdown)的缓解。

通过 AutoYaST 进行无人值守的安装大大改善了,许多方面在各个层面都得到了完善。增加了更多的配置选项,用户配置文件中和安装过程中可能出现的错误也得到了更合理的处理和报告。

YaST 的改进 - Linux 中最完整的配置工具

无论是在系统安装期间还是在以后的任何时候,YaST 分区程序都是配置 Linux 中各种存储技术的最强大工具。该发行版包含创建和管理扩展于多个设备的 Btrfs 文件系统的可能性,并且该发行版允许使用更高级的加密技术。

Leap 15.2 是第一个引入渐进式改变的 openSUSE 版本,它将系统的配置分为 /usr/etc 和 /etc 目录。YaST 在所有受影响的模块中都支持这种新结构,为系统管理员提供了一个中心点来检查配置,这将有助于他们在过渡期及之后的工作。

Leap 可以在 Linux 的 Windows 子系统(WSL,Windows Subsystem for Linux)之上执行,将 openSUSE 的力量传递给 Windows 世界。Leap 15.2 中的 YaST 版本提高了对该平台的兼容性,特别是在执行 YaST Firstboot 时执行所有需要的初始调整。


While the desktop environments in this release will be new, the focus remains on more conservative fixed release. The Long-Term-Support version of KDE's Plasma 5.18 is available in Leap 15.2. The newer LTS has a significant amount of polish and new features. Notifications are clearer, settings are streamlined and the overall look is more attractive. GNOME 3.34 updates from the previous 3.26 version that was available in Leap 15.1. The new GNOME provides a considerable amount of visual refreshes for a number of applications. More data sources in Sysprof makes performance profiling of an application even easier and there are multiple improvements to Builder including an integrated D-Bus inspector. Xfce has a minor update to version 4.14 after four plus years of development; the new version produced a slew of updates and features, including enhancements for the window manager, file manager, application finder and power management.


Linode cloud images of Leap are available today and ready for all infrastructure needs. Cloud hosting services will offer images of Leap 15.2 in the coming weeks like Amazon Web Services, Azure, Google Compute Engine and OpenStack. Leap 15 is continually optimized for cloud usage scenarios as a host and virtualization guest.

TUXEDO Computers and Linux notebooks can be purchase with Leap 15.2 preinstalled.

Leap deployment scenarios include physical, virtual, host and guest, and cloud. Ports to other architectures like ARM64 and POWER are expected in the coming weeks.


Compilers, scripting languages, system configuration tools and graphical user interfaces have all been improved.

GNU Compiler Collection 7 through 9 are available in this newer Leap minor version along with an updated version of the 3D Graphics package Mesa to support the use of the professional grade operating system. Leap 15.2 has the same 234 version of systemd used in Leap 15.0 and 15.1.

New graphics hardware support has been backported for the release of Leap 15.2 and Linux Kernel 5.3 will be used for the release. Kernel features automatically become available in Leap since the distribution shares the same kernel as SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE) .

openSUSE Leap 15.2 is a distribution with community packages built on top of core sources of SLE 15 Service Package 2. The shared common core and alignment with SLE makes migrations to SUSE’s enterprise product easy for professional who want to extend the life cycle of their maintenance and security past the life cycle of Leap. Migrating from the community version of Leap to SUSE Linux Enterprise is an available option for those who desire to migrate. The migration from openSUSE Leap server installations to SUSE Linux Enterprise is easy for system integrators developing on Leap code who may decide to move to an enterprise version for SLAs, certification, mass deployment, or extended Long Term Support.


This Leap release increases the capabilities of health services. The award-winning health- and hospital management system GNU Health comes in version 3.6.4. It has an updated GUI and is prepared for COVID-19 pandemic tracking, including updated ICD-10 codes and improved laboratory functions. GNU Health can directly interface with Orthanc, the free PACS Server, which is newly shipped in this release. Developers of the health and medical fields have several open-source tools with openSUSE Leap that can be be used for creating powerful User Interfaces (UI) and User Experiences (UX) for medical devices. Healthcare device developers can be confident in the use and performance of Leap and rely on the system supporting newer and older hardware.

Configuration Management System administrators will have the most up-to-date tools for configuration management. Salt 3000 has arrived in Leap; the new Salt version removes the date versioning and provides new functions to chroot: apply, sls, and highstate. It also updates slot syntax to support parsing dictionary responses and to append text. Ansible is also availble for sysadmins. Ansible works over SSH and does not require any software or daemons to be installed on remote nodes.


File sharing and cloud services include software such as NextCloud and even the groupware application suite Kopano (formerly known as Zarafa) is part of the official Leap 15.2 repositories.

Like prior versions, System Administrators and small businesses can use Leap for hosting web and mail servers or for network management with DHCP, DNS, NTP, Samba, NFS, LDAP, and hundreds of other services.

Leap 生命周期

Minor versions of the Leap 15 series have about an 18-month life cycle; minor releases come roughly once a year. Users of openSUSE Leap 15.1, which was released in May of 2019, should upgrade to Leap 15.2 within the next 6 months. The first release of Leap 15 was released two years ago.

下载 Leap 15.2

为下载 ISO 镜像,请访问 https://software.opensuse.org/distributions/leap?locale=zh_CN





The openSUSE Project is a worldwide community that promotes the use of Linux everywhere. It creates two of the world’s best Linux distributions, the Tumbleweed rolling-release, and Leap, the hybrid enterprise-community distribution. openSUSE is continuously working together in an open, transparent and friendly manner as part of the worldwide Free and Open Source Software community. The project is controlled by its community and relies on the contributions of individuals, working as testers, writers, translators, usability experts, artists and ambassadors or developers. The project embraces a wide variety of technology, people with different levels of expertise, speaking different languages and having different cultural backgrounds. Learn more about it on opensuse.org