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型号 openSUSE
硬件支持 备注:
视频 音频 网络 其他
Aspire M1201 11.1 x86_64 Icon-checked.png Icon-checked.png Icon-checked.png Athlon 64 X2 4400+, ATI Radeon 2100 (要求手动安装 FGLRX 图形驱动),
Aspire SA80 11.0 x86 Icon-checked.png Icon-checked.png Icon-checked.png socket 775, SiS audio chipset
Aspire M7720 11.2 x86_64, 11.3 x86_64 Icon-checked.png Icon-checked.png Icon-checked.png i7 2.66Ghz, nVidia Geforce GT220, 9GB DDR 3, Realtek HD Audio, 开箱即用.
Aspire T160 10.0 x86_64 Icon-checked.png Icon-cross.png Icon-cross.png AMD Athlon 64 3400+ socket 939,nVidia nForce4 chipset
Aspire M3610 11.2 32Bit Icon-checked.png ATI Radeon Xpress1250 with Open-Source Radeon-Driver incl. 3D-Accel. Icon-checked.png Icon-question.png 集成了 Marvell Yukon , 目前未测试 Icon-checked.png Ethernet: old Realtek RT8139 works fine Intel Pentium Dual Core, 22" LG-Monitor at HDMI-Port works. 8GB RAM with kernel- available.
Aspire M3400 11.4 64Bit Icon-checked.png Both Default Driver & Nvidia GeForce 315 512Mb Driver incl. 3D-Accel. Icon-checked.png Icon-question.png 目前未测试,寻思能行 Icon-checked.png Wireless: Canyon wifi Detector dongle 802.11g works out of the box Amd Phenom II 6 Core 2.6Ghz, 1080p Acer G225HQbd 21.5" Monitor with VGA & DVI both work, 4GB DDR3 RAM with Linux Kernel x86_64. 注: 硬盘支持 RAID READY ,请在分区时勾选逻辑卷.
Veriton M6620G 15 64Bit Icon-checked.png Intel Xeon E3-1200 v2/3rd Gen Core processor Graphics Controller Icon-checked.png Icon-checked.pngIntel 82579LM Gigabit Network Connection (Lewisville) Intel Core i5-3450, 8GB RAM with kernel 4.12.14-lp150.11-default x86_64 available.